Tag: Writing

Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi modal DLO, that tells others about Swamp Tigers.

For our task we were challenged to make an presentation about swamp tigers, we watch an video explaining what swamp tigers are and there Appearance,Habitat, Diet and behavior, Swamp Tigers are an brown reddish colour with black stripes and etc, Swamp tigers also prefer hot or warm areas if you didn’t tell, its because they live in muddy places making it hot or warm, if they were to swim they wouldn’t use their whole body in the water, only half their head!, Speaking of the water did you know that there excellent swimmers?.  Did you also know that they are an carnival tiger meaning they only eat meat!. 

I enjoyed this task because I have learnt something about an animal I haven’t seen or learnt about before.



Procedural Planning

LI: To write the process of making a hangi explicitly.

How to make a Hangi 

A hangi is a traditional underground Maori method of  cooking food using hot stones

You will need:

  • Equipment 
  • Volcanic stones
  • Shovel 
  • Lighter
  • Logs/Wood 
  • Cloth sacks
  • Foil
  • Paper
  • Hooks
  • Cylinder of water


  • Ingredients 
  • Vegetables) Taro leaves, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, kumara, pumpkin
  • meat)chicken,beef, lamb,pork 
  • Stuffing 
Numbered steps:

  1. Dig 1m(4ft) deep pit. Make sure it’s slightly larger than food baskets.
  2. Gather wood and volcanic stones then stack the wood piling the stones on top
  3. Light the wood on fire and let the wood and stones wait for about 3-5 hours so they heat up, you will know when they are ready once stones start turning white.
  4. Prepare the vegetables and add garlic powder and seasonings to add flavor.
  5. Collect meat for the hangi and season with salt and pepper or garlic powder, commonly chicken, pork and beef. 
  6. Line baskets in foil or banana leaves and place food in making sure meat and vegetables are in separate trays.
  7. Soak sack and sheets in water and place on the side of the pit so dirt can’t get in.
  8. Place all the food trays into the pit on top of the hot rocks making sure the meats are added first and then the vegetables.
  9. Put a wet sheet on top of the trays that is long enough to touch the bottom tray, then add more wet sacks and sheets on top of everything.
  10. Let the food cook for at least 4 hours and then remove all sacks and sheets carefully so that no dirt gets onto the 
  11. Use gloves to transfer the trays of doo
  12. Use gloves to remove the food basket from the pit.
  13. Let the food cool down. 
  14. Carve meat to serving sizes.
  15. Take the food out of the basket to serve it.

SAFETY MESSAGE: Always make sure someone is looking at  the Hangi to make sure that nothing burns!

Today we unpacked how to follow and write a set of instructions. To do this effectively your instructions need to be explicit and the steps to follow ordered. Each step begins with an instructional verb and should be written in a way that is easy to understand.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to write a proper procedual text.

Imaginative Recount

I learnt how to write a imaginative recount.

First I made up my ideas then I made them into sentences for my hook and reveal.

Then I wrote Event 1, Event 2, and Event 3. Those Events tell the reader details of what happened in time of order.

Lastly I did the Ending, what I enjoyed, what I did well on, and what I need to improve on.

I enjoyed doing this task because I used my imagination , I did well on formatting my speech marks. I need to improve on checking my spelling.   

Simple Sentence

I learnt simple sentences.`

First I revised our 3 states. Simple, countinuous, and perfect. We also revised our times. Persent, past, and future.

Then I learnt subject, object, and verb. We use these to make a sentence. Subject is a actor, verb is a action, and object is a receiver. For example Trevor fell behind his team.

Last we had to write simple sentences. There was 3 simple sentences. Past simple, present simple, and future simple.

I enjoyed this task because it helps me learn more. I need to improve on writing a future simple sentence. I did well .

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