Tag: Reading

Information report, Bengal Swamp Tigers

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the Swamp tiger. 

We used our knowlege skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes but in our own words. We had used these interesting notes to help us write our information report. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

Swamp tigers 

Swamp tigers or as you may know them as Panthera tigris tigris are beautiful creatures, but as majestic they may appear. Their extremely dangerous, swamp tigers are also known as MAN-EATER, as strange it may be, swamp tigers don’t prefer fresh water, instead they like and live in saltwater in the mangrove forests.      

A swamp tiger grows about 1.5x more than your regular tiger , and is around 1,000 pounds in captivity. Did you know that their homes  ‘’Mangroves’’ are muddy places and are getting smaller? This is because we add to our house and cities. It’s also due to pollution. 

A swamp tiger usually eats meat which makes it a carnival. Tigers are obligate carnivores, meaning they only can digest meat and eat it all the time. An example of the meat they eat is: turtles,monkeys, humans etc. 

The swamp tigers are very protective and totoreval about their habitat, as it says in the opening statement, swamp tigers live in mangroves forests, because of this they can camouflage well and this makes it easier to catch predators, are you aware the swamp tigers are natural hunters?.

Overall the swamp tigers are endangered as they have lots of loss in habitat, the pollution we have caused them by expanding the cities has had a huge impact on the rare swamp tigers, we need to take action to this. 



Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi modal DLO, that tells others about Swamp Tigers.

For our task we were challenged to make an presentation about swamp tigers, we watch an video explaining what swamp tigers are and there Appearance,Habitat, Diet and behavior, Swamp Tigers are an brown reddish colour with black stripes and etc, Swamp tigers also prefer hot or warm areas if you didn’t tell, its because they live in muddy places making it hot or warm, if they were to swim they wouldn’t use their whole body in the water, only half their head!, Speaking of the water did you know that there excellent swimmers?.  Did you also know that they are an carnival tiger meaning they only eat meat!. 

I enjoyed this task because I have learnt something about an animal I haven’t seen or learnt about before.



TOW x CARE Values

For our task we had to talk about our CARE Values and what they are. For exmaple Excellence is having greatness and trying your best at things like work, sports and more, we used some of our searching skills to see what involves our CARE values, Confidence, Attitude, Respect, Excellence, In the Treaty. Some facts we found out is that Maori showed  excellence by signing the treaty, and helping there whanau protect their land.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt more about the CARE Values and about my culture.


Taniwha Name Design

Our task for the taniwha names was to make up an design, (with an taniwha),  for my name I have created an green taniwha, instead of putting eyes I have put the letter E, I then got some ideas from different people to put some designs on the forehead and the cheek of the taniwha,

I found this task fun and interesting beacuse I got to put my name on a taniwha, and got to draw an taniwha.

Diya Creating

LI: To follow the instructions to make your own origami diya (diva lamp).

The photo above shows my origami diya (diva lamp). Our first challenge was to watch the video that shows how to fold an origami diya (diva lamp). Before we could start we needed to use a ruler to measure a 20cm square piece of paper to make our own origami square. I found the folding part challenging because it could’nt fold probably.

I found this activity fun because I learnt how to make a origami diya.



Hares dans la Tempete, la Jument

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find the story behind this picture

Our challenge was to write, create a DLO that shows where this lighthouse is and what the story is behind the image. We found out that the Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument is a lighthouse in French lighthouse “La Jument  “.  The story helped me learn that you cant always think something is going to happen. I found this activity exciting because I learnt where the lighthouse was and the story behind it. 

Inchcape Rock


LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem 

The waves were moving gently so the ship was still. No sound just a inchcape rock with a bell on top. On a buoy in The storm it floated and swung. The bell warned them to stay away from the danger. The sun shining was great so the waves were peaceful. Sir Ralph walked the deck To see a darker speck. Sir ralph heart was mirthful to excess and was wickedness. He felt wicked to cause a problem for other ships. Ralph bent over from the boat then cut the bell. Sir Ralph then felt powerful for causing danger to ships. Sir Ralph sailed the seas manys day after with metals. He said and said for many and many longs days. So thick in a haze the sun on the high. The night sky was so dark that Canst was scared. A wild storm passes by hitting the boat with strike. Sir Ralph ripped his hair off while the boat sinked. Ralph heard a inchcape bell ringing down below down far.

Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was when Sir Ralph felt powerful for causing danger to ships, it also teaches me  that if you do bad things it has a way of  coming back to you. 

I found this activity fun because I liked reading the poem and learning how to think about your consequences before you do something. 

Observastion Something Happened Here….

LI: To learn about New Zealand History.

For reading we discovered some New Zealand History, we chose one of the 36 cards and discovered more about New Zealand history. We chose Ahi Ka, this card is about Ngati Whatua Protesting to take something back there land. This took place at Bastion Point. Ngati Whatua was disempowered by the Pakeha people and the government, so they protested so  they can take back Bastion Point and their land. The people of Ngati Whatua lost their homes and Marae, people lost there lives fighting to take back something that was theres. 

I enjoyed this activity it was intresting because we had the chance to learn more about the New Zealand History and about Ngati Whatua and the history behind it.

Main Ideas

LI: To identify the main ideas in the text

This week we have been learning how to find and collaboratively decide on the main idea in a text by negotiating. We read the text Lester and Clyde. This was a text about the consequences of pollution. Our group think the main idea was to think of our consequences before doing an action as it shows us in story on how polluting in our drains can endanger our different animal life.

We found this activity hard and fun beacause it took hard work to find the main idea, and it was fun beacuse we worked as a team. 


I learnt how to evaluate texts.

First we read an article about a swimming pool. Crowds at the Chinese Swimming pool. We also found out reasons like if it is not dangerous or it is dangerous.

Then we thought about if it was crowded or not, if it was dangerous or it was safe, I choose dangerous or safe. I said It will be dangerous because you might fall down in the water and you will drown if you don’t have a floatie. If it was safe I would say, t is safe because there are floaties and if you fall down the floaties will not make you drown. 

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to evaluate. I did well on saying if it was safe or not safe. I need to improve on telling more about the Chinese swimming pool.