Tag: Maths

Place and total value

LI: to name place and total values up to millions and two decimal places. 

Our task was to talk about our place and total value. Using our knowledge we found out the answers to our maths questions, One of the question was, “How many hundreds are in the number 8,0251”, The answer is eight hundred, and thirty one, (831) because the number is up to the hundreds place.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn more facts about the place value house.


Statistics Investigation

LI: To read the text, gather, sort graph and analyse the data.

Our task was to create a statistical investigation by following the cycle. Me and my partner came up with a question to ask LS2, our question was, “how many hours of sleep do you get?” then we went around asking the class our question. After we gathered all of the data we analyzed the data. Finally we made our conclusion, we found out that most people in LS2 get a good amount of sleep.

I found this task fun because I got to learn how many hours of sleep my peers have.


Statistical Investigation

To read the text, gather sort, graph and analyse the data

Our math group created a diagram which shows the top six rivers in Auckland from smallest to largest. We used our collaborative skills to find out the data of each river. We put these rivers in this order from shortest to longest, Whau, Puhoi, Tamaki, Waitakaere, Hoteo, Wairoa. We used our knowledge to come to the conclusion on what river is the longest out of the 6 rivers in Auckland, which is Wairoa that is 65 km. 

I found this activity fun because I got to learn the top 6 longest rivers in Auckland. 

Sequetail Patterns

I learnt what an sequenctial pattern is.  A sequential pattern is a pattern that is in order.

First I needed to created a pattern. I created a shape pattern, colour pattern, object pattern, letter pattern, and number pattern. I also had to make some questions.

Last I needed to create an anwer page to the questions.

I enjoyed this task beacuse I learnt what sequetail patterns are. I did well on creating the answers page. I need to improve on doing this task on time.

Basic Facts Grouping

I learnt the difference between “groups of x” and “x groups”.

First I learnt what groups are and what x groups and y groups are. 

Next I got some beans and counted them, For example groups of 4 and 4 groups.

Then we did 2, 3 and 4 groups and we made groups of 2, 3 and 4.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt what “x groups” and “x groups” are. I need to improve on remembering the different groups. I did well on taking the photos. 

Basic Facts

We learnt how to add numbers up to ten and five.

First we but the number in order from 1-5.

Next we got the sticks and put it into groups of the number that we want.

Last we did it over agin but this time with addition and subraction

I enjoyed this task beacuse I like maths. I did will on answering the questions. I need to improve memorising.

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