Ki O Rahi

Today we played a game called Ki O Rahi.

First we watched a video that show’s and explains the game Ki O Rahi. In the video and game it means peace.

Next we played a game called Taniwha and Kioma were you, stand, lie down and sit down. and you need to try and touch your partner well your partner runs off.

Last we learnt the parts again and played a little bit of Ki O Rahi we only throwed the ball to the tupu.

I enjoyed this task beacuse I learnt new stuff about Ki O Rahi, I did will on throwing the ball, I need to improve on blocking the ball.


Te Reo Maori

I learnt how to say numbers in Te Reo Maori.

First we learned how to count up to ten in Maori, for a example tahi=one and rua=two.

Then we learnt how to say really high numbers like 50 & 60 and when playing with cards someone would say a random number for example: rua te kau means 20.

To make 20 you would need 2 tens cards and hand it to Whaea Odie. She would say ho mai rua te kau which means hand me 20. After you handed it to her then you would say ane which means here.

I enjoyed this because I learnt alot about this task. I did well on writing the words. I need to improve on learning more about maori stuff.

Diagram labelling

A Diagram is something that shows you how an object works and how it looks.  

Diagrams need labels to show something, For example, a car has windows and a door. 

If there are two body parts that are connected then you can make a bar transparent and put it on top of the body parts that are connected, Like for example, ears if there are two ears then you can use a bar. 

Also make sure to make the lines and labels spread out so people can see. 

Make sure that your objects are in an aesthetic way. 

Polite Email

A Polite Email is a formal email is similar to writing a formal letter with the same structure, salutations, and sign-off.

First we needed to think of what we were going to make.

Last we needed to think of a/ subject,greeting, body, farewell.

I enjoyed this task because I love writing. I did well on writing the body. I need to improve on writing faster.






Soccer Skills

Today we learnt more stuff about soccer/ Skills

First we had a warm up by playing stuck in the mud and also by passing. 

Next we got into groups of three and learned how to pass the ball. We used the inside of our feet to kick the ball to the 3 people across us. 

Lastly we played team tag, Were you need to get into groups of five or six and the person that had the ball had to pass the ball around your team and try to tag the other team member

I enjoyed playing soccer. I did well on stopping the ball. I need to improve on kicking the ball to my team member.  

Procedural Text

A Procedural Texts tell people how to do somthing in steps.

The structure of a procedural text is remembered by using TEMPS. T stands for title, E stands for end result, M stands for material, P stands for pictures, S stands for steps.

The Title tells the reader about the topic that the reader is going to read about.

The End result tells the reader what they are doing or making.

The materials is the list of equiment you need or to use.

The Steps and Pictures are listing the steps or steps in order with the picture.

A procedural text a list of steps needed to make or do something.

Analog Time

This week we have learnt how to read an analog clock.

There’s is two different type’s of hands, the hour hand and the minute hand.

The hour hand is the short little hand that goes many hours has passed by, the tall long hand is the minute hand that goes many minutes past by.

Parts Of a Speech

Parts of a speech are English words that are 8/9 different kinds of words, Diferent kinds of words are called parts of speech.

Nouns are things that can be talked about, For a exmaple the dog.

Adjective are words that describe nouns, For a example the naughty dog.

Verbs are action words, For example the naughty dog is running.

Adverb are words that describe action words, For example the naughty dog’s are running quickly.

The parts of a speech are a way that words need to be used in a sentence.

Kellysports – Soccer

Today we learnt some stuff about soccer/New Skills

First we got into groups of 4 and practised dribbling the ball. Once we finished practising we dribbled the ball to the other team back and forth. We used the inside of our foot so that the other team couldn’t steal the ball. 

Next we passed the ball – on our non dominant foot. We kicked the ball to where we wanted it to be at.  Last we played a game called stop the ball and we got into the same group we were in for dribbling the ball.

I enjoyed playing soccer. I did well on stopping the ball. I need to improve on kicking the ball to the person across me.