Complex sentence

We learnt how to write complex sentences.

First we learned and revised what complex sentences are. A complex sentence has an AAAWWUBBIS in a complex sentence.

Next we figured out which part of the complex sentence is independent and dependent.

Lastly we wrote our own complex sentences and tooks photos for the sentences.

I enojyed this task beacuse I dont know a lot about complex sentence. I did well on on the time of finsheing this. I need to inprove on  remembering my aaawwbis.

Identifying Fractions

This week we have learned fractions.

First we learnt what fractions are, and we learnt some tricks and tips about fractions.

Next we took some pictures of the fractions that we made and told the name of the fractions.

I enjoyed this task beacuse I am not that good at maths and I learnt alot about the fractions. I did well on the learning the numeral and word. I need to inprove on working harder.


This week we were learning about keywords.

First we were put into groups of two people.

After we had to find lots of keywords in every  page.

Last we found some keywords and listed them by highlighting them.

I enjoyed this task because it helps me with my reading.  I need to improve on looking at the keywords properly.


Simple Sentence

I learnt simple sentences.`

First I revised our 3 states. Simple, countinuous, and perfect. We also revised our times. Persent, past, and future.

Then I learnt subject, object, and verb. We use these to make a sentence. Subject is a actor, verb is a action, and object is a receiver. For example Trevor fell behind his team.

Last we had to write simple sentences. There was 3 simple sentences. Past simple, present simple, and future simple.

I enjoyed this task because it helps me learn more. I need to improve on writing a future simple sentence. I did well .

Place Value Houses

LI:  Counting into groups of tens .

This week I learnt about numerals in English 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

We got a numeral and combined it with another numeral and talked about its valve 47.

Then we placed value houses on a white board and we had to choose some numerals and make a number of them.

Last we used a place valve house to show all the numbers from 1 to 30 we also used popsicle sticks to show the numerals.

I enjoyed place value houses because I learnt a lot.

I think I need to improve on counting



Body Outline

Today we learned to identify characteristics of a good team member.

First we defined what are characteristics. Characteristics are actions you want to be for example brave characteristics.

Next we drew a body outline, So we could put the positive words inside the body and then  put negative words on the outside of the body.

Then we played a game of moon ball. We played the game to see if we were using the characteristics on our paper. We Identify action and factor that can prevent a team from working cooperatively

We enjoyed this activity because we learnt some characteristics. We did well naming some characteristics. We need to work on communicating with each other. 

By Genesis, Zailett,Riley,Marcel,Miabella,Kaleb




This week I’ve been doing some art called Quadarefoil.

First  I made a google draw and drawed some line’s horizontal and diagonal on the page.

Next  I got shape of a circle and put it on the line’s to make a shape of a quadarefoil.

When the circle was on the line’s I then deleted the line’s and group the circle.

Last I group them and made it bigger and made my emotion.

I enjoyed this task because it was fun to make.

I need to improve more on the details.





Mega Tic Tac Toe

Last Week we played a fitness version of Tic Tac Toe. There were 4 teams of 5 players Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, 

We got some bibs of our team colour to put into squares to connect 3 squares together.

Then we played a variation of the game there was a coordinator, who told the team were to put the bibs. 

I liked this game because it involves running and I like running. 

Kelly Sport

We particpated in a range of cricketdrills.

First We did a warm up which was knocking of the balls and picking the balls up.

Next We did aiming at the cone where we had to get a ball and throw it at the cone.

Then We did catching we threw it to eachother back and fourth.

Last We played non stop cricket were coach Bart called us batters and fielders to connect back to cricket.

I enjoyed playing  kellysport because it was very fun and I learnt alot.

I need to improve throwing the balls.

I think I’m good at catching the balls.