Interschool Volleyball

Our school was participating in an volleyball interschool competition, Around our whenua. We have had 6-5 games and 5 rounds, The year 7/8 girls versed Point England, Panama, Ruapotaka, Glen Taylor, and Stonefields.It was all a great experience, We won 4 games and lost 2.

I enjoyed this task because I got to join an sport, and learn different things about it.

2 thoughts on “Interschool Volleyball

  1. Kai ora Genesis, I absolutely love your blog post about your experience which you had volley ball, I see yous played well as I see yous have 4 wins with 2 loses, volleyball is such a great sport and I love the teamwork and collaboration that goes with it, what’s your favourite sport?
    Aroha nui, Taya

    1. Thank you so much Taya!, My favourite sport is netball what so happens to be yours?, I liked how you loved my blog that helps me alot on what I should put or wirte more on my blogs, Nga mihi!

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