Moment in time, Polar Bear

LI: to write a poem about a moment in time.

Our task was to write a poem about a video of an polar bear. We had an interesting challenge which was to watch an video of a polar bear attempting to atack a man, and imagine we were him. We wrote down some words and used wordhippo to change some of them to level up our writing. Then we wrote some lines based of the 5 sences, olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), visual (see), tactile (touch) and auditory meaning hear.

I enjoyed this task beacause I get to watch the experience of what had happen to the man.

2 thoughts on “Moment in time, Polar Bear

  1. Kia Orana Gensis!
    I enjoyed reading your poem, because I can see your group use a lot of creativity to come up with this poem. You did well on choosing how to layout your DLO. Which part of the poem did you find easiest to write, and why?

    1. Thank you so much Daeyna!, it really made my day seeing your comment and how you like my work!, The easiest thing to write was the five senses, Im glad you like my layout, Whats your favourite thing about my blog?. Nga mihi!.

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