Day: March 14, 2024

Chinese New Year

For this tasked we learnt about Lunar New Years, (the lantern New Year). We resarched and explained about what, why  and how the Chinese Lantern Festival is about and why it is important to them. We then wrote down the most important part of the New Years which was the information. Lastly we decorated and added pictures on the slides to represent what it looks like.

I found this activtie enjoyable and interesting  because it helps me and others learn different facts about Chinese New Year.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To understand the history of the Treaty of Waitangi

We looked at what the world was like in 1840. Did you know in 1840 Queen Victoria was the Queen of England? After this we identified some of the key people and their role in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi we found it interesting that Hene Heke was the first person to sign the Treaty. We then used the information from some activities to help us right our information.

I found this really interesting because I learnt diffrent facts about the Treaty Of Waitangi, And Maori culture.



Leaders we Admire

LI: research leaders we admire for what we have done.

Our task was to write about a leader we admire. I chose Hone Heke because he was a great Ngapuhi leader who was the first tete kura (chief) to sign the treaty of waitangi (TOW), I also chose Hone beacause he gave confidence and taking risk to encourage others.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt more about Hone Heke, and Ngapuhi.

Taniwha Name Design

Our task for the taniwha names was to make up an design, (with an taniwha),  for my name I have created an green taniwha, instead of putting eyes I have put the letter E, I then got some ideas from different people to put some designs on the forehead and the cheek of the taniwha,

I found this task fun and interesting beacuse I got to put my name on a taniwha, and got to draw an taniwha.

Statistics Investigation

LI: To read the text, gather, sort graph and analyse the data.

Our task was to create a statistical investigation by following the cycle. Me and my partner came up with a question to ask LS2, our question was, “how many hours of sleep do you get?” then we went around asking the class our question. After we gathered all of the data we analyzed the data. Finally we made our conclusion, we found out that most people in LS2 get a good amount of sleep.

I found this task fun because I got to learn how many hours of sleep my peers have.


Vision Baord

Our task was to create a vision board and who we look up to, and how are we going to achieve the goals we have wroted.  I choose Amelia Walmsely beacuse I want to be a netball player just like her, To be like her I need to be, hardworking, help my teammates, and using confidence.

I enjoyed researching different facts about her, and got to know her better as well as showing people around the world what I want to achieve.