Year: 2023

Explanation Writing

LI: To understand the structure and language features in an explanation

How did Goldilocks upset the Bear family?


To upset someone is to make someone unhappy, worried or disappointed 

In the story Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Goldilocks makes some bad decisions, these decisions made the Bear family upset. Have you ever upset someone 

Goldilocks did not set a good example. She could smell the porridge so she had the courage to walk in the Bears house without permission. Without thinking about her actions Goldilocks continued walking around their house. What would you do if someone broke into your house?

When the bears got home, they were shocked to find their porridge eaten and the baby chair which was broken, as they found Goldilocks sleeping  on the  baby’s bed.

The bears were horrified to find that someone was trespassing and stealing from their house. Goldilocks needs to think of her actions before doing things that will upset people. If someone broke into my house I would also  be upset and angry. 

To help us understand how to write an explanation we looked at the purpose, the structure (what it looks like) and the language features. An expalantaion tells us how or why something is the way it is. To help us understand this we learnt about cause and effect. Cause and effect is an action and a reaction. We used the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears to help us understand this. Here is my/our explanation that describes how Goldilocks upset the Bear family.

This activity was fun because I got to learn some new words and learn how to make  an explanation. 


Treaty Of Waitangi

LI: To explore the world in 1840 and the art of the Treaty

This week we looked at the what the world was like in 1840. Did you know in 1840 Queen Victoria was the Queen of England.  After this we identified some of the key people and their role in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. I found it interesting that Hene Heke was the first person to sign the Treaty. We then used the information from both of these activities to help us read a painting of the day the treaty was signed. We used our knowledge to infer what the artist Marcus King might have wanted us to think was happening. 

I found this really interesting because I learnt diffrent facts about the Treaty Of Waitangi.