Kickstart Under the sea- SLJ

For the Summer Learning Journey I completed the kick start activity. For this task I have created my own under the sea environment. My environment has different types of tropical fish, coral and more!. Some of the species in my sea are jellyfish, crab, dolphins and clownfish. Did you know that dolphins can be found all over the world and in different environments?.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own under the sea environment using my creativity, and using different kinds of sea animals. Whats your favorite sea animal?

One thought on “Kickstart Under the sea- SLJ

  1. Kia ora Genesis,

    Another post, awesome work. Keep it up!

    I like your fun fact about dolphins. I watched a documentary about Killer Whales (Orcas) the other day and it was very interesting. I learnt that Orcas aren’t whales, they are Dolphins and they are incredibly intelligent creatures, especially when it comes to pack hunting. I learnt another fun fact from someone else’s blog about undersea environments. I learnt that starfish don’t have brains or blood, did you know that?

    I do like your underwater world, I like the bright colours of the coral and the bright blue jellyfish. The ocean can be such a colourful place can’t it.

    In answer to your question, my favourite sea creature is most definitely a whale. They are impressive in size, they are mammals just like us (which I find quite intriguing) and they have such interesting migrating and hunting patterns.

    What is your favourite sea creature?
    Is there a sea creature you are scared of?

    Miss Pryde

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