Month: December 2023

Which One Doesn’t Belong? SLJ

For the Summer learning journey we did our Which one doesn’t belong. We had to fill in the slide, which shape doesn’t belong, and why. We then had to make our own slide using our capability, and different shapes.

We got five slides asking a question (Which one doesn’t belong and why?) For example I put, It’s the only square for question B, because if you turn the shape to the front it looks like a square. The last slide is my own question and shapes, What are your responses? and why do you think that?.

I enjoyed this activity because I made my own slide and shapes.




Kickstart Under the sea- SLJ

For the Summer Learning Journey I completed the kick start activity. For this task I have created my own under the sea environment. My environment has different types of tropical fish, coral and more!. Some of the species in my sea are jellyfish, crab, dolphins and clownfish. Did you know that dolphins can be found all over the world and in different environments?.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own under the sea environment using my creativity, and using different kinds of sea animals. Whats your favorite sea animal?

Comic Quest- Step it up!

For Summer learning journey we did our ComicQuest, where we make our own creativity. Using our knowlege and being creative.

For this challenge, me and my partner created a story. The meaning behind this story is to help people when they are going to get hurt. This book starts with an elderly lady who noticed a dog (Charley). She had called this dog a cutie which made the dog smile, as he hardly got any compliments. He also had lost his owner recently which meant the lady needed to help Charley look for his owner. While they were looking, a kid who was playing soccer had kicked the ball too high that Charley saw what was about to happen, the ball was going to hit the old lady so he sprang into action…………

I enjoyed this story because I learnt to help people, and liked how I explained the story.   

Comic Strip- Summer learning journey

For the Summer Learning Journey, Me and Daeyna created a comic strip using our creativity and skills. The moral of the story is to help people when they need it and be kind to others.

There were two people playing volleyball (John) and (Taya), They were playing a game of volley, when all of a sudden the ball slipped and fell on the ground. They didn’t realise that a turtle was underneath the ball until they moved it. Taya wanted to help the turtle since it was getting attacked by seagulls. John asked where she was going since she had kept moving. She had already finished helping the turtle and said “I just finished saving a turtle”. She wanted to keep playing volley so she said “let’s go back!”  They then had a great time. 

I enjoyed this task because I made up a story and had fun creating the characters. 

Cultural Superhero

Kailani Ariki, A Cook Island superhero who had been training for war since she was 6, she found out she had a battle  she had to fight when she turns sixteen. Kailani was the only child that had been chosen to fight in a war. She had two powers; teleportation and talking to animals. She had been practicing for the grand war when all of a sudden an arrow came her way but ended up impailing a tree. She used her teleportation powers and fought them. She finshed the war with her sidekick Moko ika Hikuwaru ( Taniwha ). Once she had finished, she used her weapon pe’e haka and won the war for her family.

I enjoy this task because I made my own charater and got to make up a story. This task also taught me about giving details to story-based characters.