Month: November 2023

Market Day

Panmure Bridge School hosted a market day for all classes, Which was held Wednesday this week. All classes had to make a range of ideas and products. My class LS2 made harakeke/flax fish, keyrings,bracelets and rings. If someone were to buy the flax fish they would get an additional free kit which had instructions on how to make the fish. 

Before the market started LS2 set up tables for all classes so that they could put their products and posters up, Room 1 and Room 2 had their stalls set up in the hall while LS2 were on the stage just outside the hall, all other classes regarding Room3, Room4, Room5 and LS1 were under the canopy, After we all finished setting up the stalls, it was time to start the market day in addition to buy the products, we all had 5 tokens to spend.

Our stall (LS2) had a big crowd which adored our products especially loved our bracelets , many people were asking for custom made bracelets in order to get a with their name on it

I enjoyed the market day because I got to get some hand made stuff, and learn how to make flax fish,stars keyrings and bracelets. 


Celebrating Diwali

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find out what Diwali is and how people celebrate around the world.

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that tells others what Diwali is and how people celebrate around the world. Something I found interesting was people draw colourful patterns on the floor to invite the gods into their homes.

I found this activity fun because I found different facts about Diwali. 

Diya Creating

LI: To follow the instructions to make your own origami diya (diva lamp).

The photo above shows my origami diya (diva lamp). Our first challenge was to watch the video that shows how to fold an origami diya (diva lamp). Before we could start we needed to use a ruler to measure a 20cm square piece of paper to make our own origami square. I found the folding part challenging because it could’nt fold probably.

I found this activity fun because I learnt how to make a origami diya.



Hares dans la Tempete, la Jument

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find the story behind this picture

Our challenge was to write, create a DLO that shows where this lighthouse is and what the story is behind the image. We found out that the Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument is a lighthouse in French lighthouse “La Jument  “.  The story helped me learn that you cant always think something is going to happen. I found this activity exciting because I learnt where the lighthouse was and the story behind it. 

Inchcape Rock


LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem 

The waves were moving gently so the ship was still. No sound just a inchcape rock with a bell on top. On a buoy in The storm it floated and swung. The bell warned them to stay away from the danger. The sun shining was great so the waves were peaceful. Sir Ralph walked the deck To see a darker speck. Sir ralph heart was mirthful to excess and was wickedness. He felt wicked to cause a problem for other ships. Ralph bent over from the boat then cut the bell. Sir Ralph then felt powerful for causing danger to ships. Sir Ralph sailed the seas manys day after with metals. He said and said for many and many longs days. So thick in a haze the sun on the high. The night sky was so dark that Canst was scared. A wild storm passes by hitting the boat with strike. Sir Ralph ripped his hair off while the boat sinked. Ralph heard a inchcape bell ringing down below down far.

Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was when Sir Ralph felt powerful for causing danger to ships, it also teaches me  that if you do bad things it has a way of  coming back to you. 

I found this activity fun because I liked reading the poem and learning how to think about your consequences before you do something.