Day: April 6, 2023

Taniwha Art

This week LS2 have been doing Taniwha art to represent the Taniwha that lived in the panmure basin, some people say the Taniwhas live in our Panmure basin and the Taniwha name is called Moko Ika Hikawaru, The Taniwha Moko Ika Hika waru was described to have eight tails. Taniwhas are Maori creatures that are believed to hide in river, Some people also believed Taniwha abducted women.

I enjoyed this activity because I learned more about the Taniwha Moko Ika Hika Waru and the Maori culutre.

How to be cybersmart

This DLO shows how to stand up to bullies, or how to be cyber smart”. My DLO shows what to say or do when getting bullied and how to stand up to bullies, it also shows what type of language to use that can help you from getting bullied. This DLO also explains to use manners and not to user inapropiate language, this can prevent you from getting bullied.

I found this activity engagging because this can help others from getting bullied and this also tells us how to be cybersmart.

Aretha Franklin

LI: To inform others about who Aretha Franklin is.

This DLO represents who Aretha Franklin is, this also states who she is and what she does in life,  Aretha Franklin was known as a singer  back in the 90s and 70s, til this day she is still popular in fact she started her first album at the age of 18 and made a song which made her popular.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt about a diffrent singer I never heard of before and I learnt about how about a singers life in the 90s.