American Football | Passing

I revised American Football.

First we revised throwing and catching the ball.  To throw the ball you’ll need to use the ring finger and put it onto the third piece of lace on the ball and then throw. To catch you’ll need to put your fingers like an triangle and let the rest of your fingers spread out.

Next we then played a game called down, down, down. To play you would need to throw the ball to your partner. And if they dont catch then they with have to kneel down with one leg so every time they don’t catch the ball they lose a leg or an arm.

Lastly we played a game called cone drop. To play you and your group would need to try knock out three cones when throwing the ball. The first group to knock out all the cones wins.

I enjoyed this task beacause I like sports. I need to improve on throwing the ball. I did well on helping my team member.

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