Month: April 2022

Imaginative Recount

I learnt how to write a imaginative recount.

First I made up my ideas then I made them into sentences for my hook and reveal.

Then I wrote Event 1, Event 2, and Event 3. Those Events tell the reader details of what happened in time of order.

Lastly I did the Ending, what I enjoyed, what I did well on, and what I need to improve on.

I enjoyed doing this task because I used my imagination , I did well on formatting my speech marks. I need to improve on checking my spelling.   

Fact Find

This week we have been doing Fact Find.

First I picked a type of drum, and the drum that I picked is Called a Djembe drum from south afircan.

Next I picked some facts that I found from history of the Djembe, And I also found some pictures that are Djembe Drums .

Last I did the rest of the information,pictures.

Basic Facts Grouping

I learnt the difference between “groups of x” and “x groups”.

First I learnt what groups are and what x groups and y groups are. 

Next I got some beans and counted them, For example groups of 4 and 4 groups.

Then we did 2, 3 and 4 groups and we made groups of 2, 3 and 4.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt what “x groups” and “x groups” are. I need to improve on remembering the different groups. I did well on taking the photos. 

Basic Facts

We learnt how to add numbers up to ten and five.

First we but the number in order from 1-5.

Next we got the sticks and put it into groups of the number that we want.

Last we did it over agin but this time with addition and subraction

I enjoyed this task beacuse I like maths. I did will on answering the questions. I need to improve memorising.

Making Connections

We read a text and connected it to our prior knowledge.

First we used our prior knowledge to look at the text. We chosed to do buddy reading. Buddy reading is reading a paragraph out loud to our partner.

Next we read the first two pages with our partner on the mat. We answerd  one by one for the questions from the first two pages. For a example, “what parts are there to a pato?”

Lastly we read the last two pages with our partner, and answered the questions for the page.

I enjoyed this task because it helped me learn about the text. I need to improve on reading to my partner. I did well on answering the questions about the text.


T-Ball Skills Number 2

We revised and learnt T-ball skills. The skills we hitting, running, and throwing.

First we played a game called noodle tag so we can warm up. Noodle tag is were you have four taggers with noodles and some people running away. They have to tag the runners when they get tagged. The people that are running have to stand on one leg until you count to ten.

Next Couch Cameron tought us how to bat. and the Bat and Ball needs to be at the belly button height, Feet stratight in the line spreed out, Arms out straight at the contact point, Face sideways.

Lastly we played the real game of  T-ball. One of the teams were batting and one of the teams was fielding.

I enjoyed this task beacuse beacuse I had lots of fun. I did well on throwing the ball. I need to improve on my hitting this time last time I was really good.


4 C’s

Today we introduce the role of leadership.

First we learnt about the 4 C’s. The 4 c’s are confidence, collaboration, communication and cooperation

Next we played a game that required leadership. Genesis showed leadership by making fast decisions and choosing the right plan to win.

Lastly we discussed if we followed the rules and if we were a good leader. I think that my team was cooperating well and we had a good leader.

We enjoyed this activity because I learnt a lot . We need to improve on making decisions on who can be the leader. We did well on cooperating together.

T Ball-Kellysport

We learnt a range of T-ball skills. The skills we hitting, running, and throwing.

First we played a game called noodle tag so we can warm up. Noodle tag is were you have two taggers with noodles and some people running away. They have to tag the runners when they get tagged. They have to stand on one leg until someone high-fives them.

Then we played a game we have to roll the ball on the ground to get pass the others team boundary.

Next we played a relay race. There are two teams the first team had to run around the square wins, Only 1 person can run at a time.

Lastly we played a game called T-ball. We had a prastice round, One team was batting and one of the teams was fielding.

I enjoyed this task beacuse beacuse I like sports. I did well on hitting the ball. I need to improve on my catching skills.



Comperhending a Text

I learned how to comprehend a text by making connections.

First I read about the text in a group

Next I thought what the topic might be about. I thought the topic might be about drums and facts about the culture.

Last I made a connection with our prior knowledge and the text.

I enjoyed this task beacuse it helped me learn a lot about comperhending. I did will on telling facts that I know to other people. I need to improve on working harder.

Complex sentence

We learnt how to write complex sentences.

First we learned and revised what complex sentences are. A complex sentence has an AAAWWUBBIS in a complex sentence.

Next we figured out which part of the complex sentence is independent and dependent.

Lastly we wrote our own complex sentences and tooks photos for the sentences.

I enojyed this task beacuse I dont know a lot about complex sentence. I did well on on the time of finsheing this. I need to inprove on  remembering my aaawwbis.