Information report, Bengal Swamp Tigers

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the Swamp tiger. 

We used our knowlege skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes but in our own words. We had used these interesting notes to help us write our information report. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

Swamp tigers 

Swamp tigers or as you may know them as Panthera tigris tigris are beautiful creatures, but as majestic they may appear. Their extremely dangerous, swamp tigers are also known as MAN-EATER, as strange it may be, swamp tigers don’t prefer fresh water, instead they like and live in saltwater in the mangrove forests.      

A swamp tiger grows about 1.5x more than your regular tiger , and is around 1,000 pounds in captivity. Did you know that their homes  ‘’Mangroves’’ are muddy places and are getting smaller? This is because we add to our house and cities. It’s also due to pollution. 

A swamp tiger usually eats meat which makes it a carnival. Tigers are obligate carnivores, meaning they only can digest meat and eat it all the time. An example of the meat they eat is: turtles,monkeys, humans etc. 

The swamp tigers are very protective and totoreval about their habitat, as it says in the opening statement, swamp tigers live in mangroves forests, because of this they can camouflage well and this makes it easier to catch predators, are you aware the swamp tigers are natural hunters?.

Overall the swamp tigers are endangered as they have lots of loss in habitat, the pollution we have caused them by expanding the cities has had a huge impact on the rare swamp tigers, we need to take action to this. 



Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi modal DLO, that tells others about Swamp Tigers.

For our task we were challenged to make an presentation about swamp tigers, we watch an video explaining what swamp tigers are and there Appearance,Habitat, Diet and behavior, Swamp Tigers are an brown reddish colour with black stripes and etc, Swamp tigers also prefer hot or warm areas if you didn’t tell, its because they live in muddy places making it hot or warm, if they were to swim they wouldn’t use their whole body in the water, only half their head!, Speaking of the water did you know that there excellent swimmers?.  Did you also know that they are an carnival tiger meaning they only eat meat!. 

I enjoyed this task because I have learnt something about an animal I haven’t seen or learnt about before.



Samoan Language Week Pattern

LI: make a pattern for Samoan language week.

For this task we were challaged, to create an pattern for Samoan Language Week. It is called a Samoan Hand Tatau, the Samoan Tatau is an meaningful tattoo, or Tatau on the hand. This has been unbroken for over two thousands years. My hand Tatau pattern represents my family line. In the middle it reprents me my Mum and Dad. The index finger means, the protection my family have, the rest of the fingers mean my whole family.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt what an Tatau meant.

Simple and Compound Sentences

LI: To explore sentence structure.

Me and my partner task was to write a simple and compound sentence. A simple sentence is one independant clause (idea) with a verb and noun that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences join together with a conjunction, they have 2 nouns and 2 verbs, and start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

I found this task fun because I enjoyed making up simple and compound sentences.

Howick Historical village Collage

We went on a trip to the history lane of how and what Panmure, and Howick looked like in the 1870s. Our first task making butter, by using cream, we had mix and mix to make the butter, well we were making our butter he had made a song, ”Turn butter turn (name) is waiting at the gate waiting for some butter cake turn butter turn”. The butter tasted really good which is surprising since it only needed one ingredient. After our task we were  walking around the village exploring houses, churhes, and schools. Did you know that teachers who aren’t married was forced to come school two hours before it started and clean the floor?  Some things were stuffed with some things such as newspaper. Our last attraction was buliding a trolley the old fashion way. Compared to this generations cart it is really different considering the trolley cart is controlled by foot and needs to be pushed by someone.

This trip was fun and interesting because I experienced what it was like in 1870. And how to make butter, Would you live in the 1870s?

How to do Mulitplication- Algorithm

We were challenged to use multiplication algorithm to solve multiplication questions. In my DLO it shows and   explains on how to solve a multiplication algorithm question or how to do it. When doing multiplication make sure  to remember to add a place holder 0 when you move on to the next collunm. If there is more numbers to multiply by then add 2 place holder 0’s, Make sure to add all the answers together to get your final answer!,

I found this task fun because I got to share with you my strategys.

Healthy Eating

LI: to learn about portion sizes and heathly eating.

We learnt about portion sizes and talked about it at AUT Millennium,  we talked about how protein should be served 2-3 time every day because it repair you bones, muscles and more, Did you also know that treats have sodium and a lot of sugar that’s why treats should be eaten once a day?. Grains of food is like: bread , cereal, noodles, rice, and etc. This is at least 6 serving a day. Milk products are food and drinks like: chocolate milk, cheese, and yogurts.

I enjoyed this because I learnt moe about food portions.

Sentence Structure

From this challenge I have learnt that I need to learn the differents between compound and complex sentences, I have a clear understanding of simple sentences, One of my examples for a simple sentences is… The man ran up the stairs.  I have tried my best but I think I could do better.

I enjoyed this task because it helped me learn the diffrents of, Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.

Simple and Compound Sentences

LI: To explore sentence structure

Me and my partners task was to write a simple and compound sentence. A simple sentence is one independant clause (idea) with a verb and noun that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences join together with a conjunction, Always make sure that you use a capital letter and end with a full stop.

I found this task fun because me and my partner learnt more about Simple and Compound sentences.

TOW x CARE Values

For our task we had to talk about our CARE Values and what they are. For exmaple Excellence is having greatness and trying your best at things like work, sports and more, we used some of our searching skills to see what involves our CARE values, Confidence, Attitude, Respect, Excellence, In the Treaty. Some facts we found out is that Maori showed  excellence by signing the treaty, and helping there whanau protect their land.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt more about the CARE Values and about my culture.